Everything is deeply intertwingled Ted Nelson
Track 3 1/2
Matthias Müller-Prove Blaue Murmel / Spaceship Earth
In den 1960er Jahren fragte Steward Brand, waum es bislang kein Photo der ganzen Erde gäbe. Die Bilder, die dann von den Apollo-Missionen aufgenommen wurden, führten zu einem fundamentalen Perspektivwechsel, indem sie unser kleines blaues Raumschiff Erde im schwarzen Weltall zeigten. Slides and Links:
Matthias ist User Experience Architect, Interactions-Designer, reboot-Fahrer und Organisator dieser Veranstaltung. |
Christian Jung The Web Is The Message Music & The Web
In einem neuen Medium werden zunächst die alten Medien nachgebildet, ehe sich eine eigene Formensprache entwickelt. Besonders schwierig scheint das derzeit für Musiker zu sein, wie deren mögliche und unmögliche Selbstdarstelltungen in sozialen Netzwerken belegen. Wenn es aber gelingt, kann eine ganz neue Beziehung zwischen Künster und Community abseits der etablierten Musikindustrie entstehen. /Vortrag in Englisch Slides and Links:
Christian is: web professional, consultant and designer; self-marketing for musicians who want to try new ways besides the mainstream. |
Ali Jelveh We’re All Jedi Reinventing the Internet
I believe it is time to recognize that we are indeed all jedi. We are the ones building the very foundations of this new digital age, and as such we have enormous powers at our hands. I believe it is time we use these powers to free people from their burdens. One of these burdens is our dependency on ISPs for our very essential need to communicate with our peers. We believe the technology is ripe to change that. Slides and Tonspur |
Kars Alfrink Transmutation
The talk’s title refers to alchemists’ quest to turn lead into gold, which sometimes feels similar to what we’re trying to do with pervasive games in public urban places.1 To summarize: I start by talking about the fact that games are essentially useless, and that this means applied game design should look for useful results in second order effects. I argue that the contribution of urban games lies primarily in the increased diversity of use of our streets, which is a good thing in itself. I talk about the care designers need to take with the games they deploy, since not everyone is looking to play and we should respect that. Playing games is a voluntary thing by definition. Towards the end I go into different strategies for using games to increase systemic awareness using several games as examples. I wrap up with a look at reward systems we commonly find in games like Foursquare, which now serves as templates for a lot of work in this area. I feel that this leads people away from what game design is about in the first place: creating interesting activities. [via Kars' Blog] /Vortrag in Englisch Slides and some recommended sources that served as input for this talk:
Kars is an independent interaction and game designer. Interests include cities, physical & social interactions and play. He is also a teacher and an organizer of events. He lives and works in Utrecht, the Netherlands. |
Daniel Schäfer Bewegende Pixel oder "Lars von Trier meets Schillerstraße"
Die Erwartungshaltung beim Bewegtbild im Web ist inzwischen Full-Screen HD. Und interaktiv darf es auch gerne sein! Nur fehlt es bisher an überzeugenden Beispielen dies sowohl dramaturgisch, als auch technisch angemessen umzusetzen. Bisher. Und so berichtet Daniel Schäfer über die Zukunft der bewegten Bilder in Raum und Zeit und Netz. Tonspur und Links:
Steffi Beckhaus Über Stühle, Sushi und die Granulatsynthese
Slides und Links: |
Pecha Kucha Sessions: Benjamin Rabe iPhone Fingerpainting
Even though it's key, to me it's not the mobility of fingerpainting alone that kicked in: it's the way creation and reception contracts and thus shortens my learning cycle to a degree that I've never experienced before. It's like I'm speeding through art-land with no police on my heels. [trotzdem deutsch] Slides, Ton und Links:
Birgit Geiberger Interaction10
Die Interaction10 war die Jahreskonferenz der Interaction Design Association (IxDA), die Anfang Februar in Savannah, Georgia stattfand. Birgit Geiberger berichtet von ihren Eindrücken und Highlights der Konferenz. Slides und Links: |
Thomas Madsen-Mygdal Closing Keynote about Rebooting
For more than 10 years Thomas is conducting the reboot unconference in Copenhagen, an annual come together of friends, nerds, and practical visionaries – as fischmarkt once called it: the epicenter of the blogosphere and net culture. Today Thomas will talk about the idea of reboot’ing for the first time. We are in a deep mess on our planet. We almost f*cked it up. So what can be done to fix our spaceship while we are traveling through space and time. Thomas: Slides, Sound and Links
19:00 |
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